The iTrainer utilizes both visual and audible feedback to achieve muscle memory based training and includes a number of basic training modules to familiarize the golfer with the capabilities of the device. The more advanced modules take the golfer through address, takeaway, swing plane, swing tempo, wrist release, impact and other exercises.
Bearing Training (Completed not Released)
This module teaches the golfer to accurately capture the direction from the ball to the target.
This bearing is then used in the alignment training module, to teach the golfer to align their clubface square to the target line.
The iTrainer uses a sensitive magnetic compass to measure the direction in which the shaft is pointing when the golfer aims the club at a target.
Figure 1 depicts the bearing procedure in which the golfer stands behind the ball, raises the club and sights the target. This establishes the line between the ball and target for alignment purposes. |
Alignment Training (Completed not Released)
Once the golfer is familiar with quickly and accurately taking a bearing, the next module is the alignment training module, which trains the golfer to accurately align their clubface to the chosen target.
Once again, the magnetic compass feature of the iTrainer is used to line the club face so that it is pointing in the same direction captured during a bearing. Initially, the indicators on the top of the iTrainer begin flashing to indicate which direction the club needs to be turned in order to face the target.
As the clubface gets close to the correct alignment, the indicator changes from red to orange and once the golfer achieves alignment, both indicators turn green and an audible beep is heard. The alignment tolerance can be configured as low as 0.1 degrees off target. |
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Address Training (Completed not Released)

Press Angle

Lie Angle |
Address training is designed to teach the golfer the correct setup posture and club position necessary to achieve good balance, while providing an athletic stance from which to make the swing.
The training drill works on multiple aspects of the address:
Body angles |
using the iTrainer as an electronic angle measuring device, the training module can test two key spine angles, forward bend and side bend.
This is done by holding the iTrainer behind the back then bending forward until the audible tone reaches a peak and then a beep indicates the correct bend.
For spine tilt, the same process is repeated, only with the club clamped across the chest.
Grip |
using the iTrainer to measure angles, the golfer is asked to raise the club to a 45 degree angle above horizontal with one hand on the grip and then asks the golfer to bring the other hand up to grip the club.
Arms |
checks that when the golfer to bends from the waist so that the club comes to rest on the ground, that the arms are relaxed and in the correct posture.
The golfer should be able to swing each hand away from the club and it should return naturally to its original position without the need to correct.
Position |
once the golfer is in the address position, the iTrainer checks that the club is at the “designed” lie angle for the chosen club and that the hands are not leaning too far forward or backward. | |
Takeaway Training (In Progress)

Takeaway trains the golfer to initiate a smooth clubhead movement at the start of the swing, which is also on the correct path i.e. the shaft should follow the “swing plane” formed by the target line and lie of the club.
It also checks that the golfer does not open the clubface too early in the backswing, by checking that the clubface angles during the takeaway are within a set tolerance.
The iTrainer tracks the club shaft during the takeaway and notifies the golfer with an audible indication if the takeaway is too quick or off-line (not on plane) or the club face is opened too soon. |
Plane Training (Completed not Released; Only Training Drill Released)
The swing plane training module trains the golfer, using audio feedback, to was designed with the flexibility to train a one-plane, two-plane or custom plane swing. The iTrainer tracks the angle formed by the club shaft during the swing and sounds an audible indication if the shaft moves off plane. If the shaft of the club stays on-plane throughout the swing, then with a high degree of certainty, the clubhead will return to the ball impact.
To cope with two-plane swings, the iTrainer allows the club to be swung on a steeper plane than that defined by the “lie” of the club during the backswing, but which returns to the “lie” plane during the downswing.
An extension to the swing plane training module allows a programmed swing path (not plane) to be stored in the iTrainer, which the golfer has to “track”. This is sometimes used when correcting swings that are too inside or too outside. |
Tempo Training (Completed not Released; Only Training Drill Released)
Swing tempo, though often overlooked, is a crucial aspect of the golf swing. When the tempo is right, all the moving parts of the body and club work together synchronously to produce a consistent and seemingly effortless swing.
After analyzing the golfer’s swing times over a number of swings, iTrainer determines the golfers “natural” rhythm from their downswing times and programs the tempo values that best suit the golfer. If the golfer’s tempo is erratic, iTrainer will recommend that the golfer visit a professional to help assess the problem and set the most suitable tempo for the golfer to train to.
The iTrainer uses audio cues to guide the golfer to start the takeaway, reach the top of backswing and impact. The audio cues repeat over and over and the iTrainer measures each swing and tracks the deviation and progress of the golfer during the session. The user can select different audio cues, including 2-tone, 3-tone, sweeping tone. The display shows the ideal timing zones in green and red to indicate too fast and yellow, too slow. |
Wrist Release Training (In Progress)
To achieve a high clubhead speed at impact, the wrist release action (un-cocking) should occur late as late as practical in the downswing. If the wrists are un-cocked too early, the arc of the swing increases and it becomes almost impossible to increase the clubhead speed. With a late wrist release, the club whips through at the latest possible moment, and generates a high clubhead speed due to the small swing arc.
The iTrainer analyses the downswing to determine the point at which the wrists begin un-cocking; too early and the indicator will be in the red zone, too late and it will be in the yellow zone. |
Impact Training (In Progress)

The impact training module works on achieving the optimum impact position for various types of golf shot. For example, straight, push draw, pull hook, push slice, pull slice. Each of these shots is achieved through a combination of clubhead path and clubface angle at impact. For example, a push draw is a shot that starts out to the right (for a RH) and comes back to the centre.
This type of shot is useful for long drives The pull slice is the reverse of the push draw, as it starts out left (for a RH) and comes back to the centre. This shot is useful when trying to minimize roll on landing as the shot will not roll too far due to the backspin it carries. The iTrainer analyses the impact conditions to see whether the club path and face angles are within tolerance and uses audio annunciation and graphical displays to indicate the difference to the golfer. |
Shot Training (In Progress)
The shot training modules are a collection of training modules designed to help the golfer to play shots from different lies, including greenside bunkers, fairway bunkers, shots into the wind, uphill and downhill lies etc.

Uphill Lies
Trains the golfer to play a shot where the ball lies above their feet, meaning, it is on the side of a slope. The training module works on getting the golfer into the proper stance and the club onto a swing plane that works best for this lie. |

Downhill lies
Trains the golfer to play a shot where the ball lies below their feet, meaning, it is on the side of a slope. The training module works on getting the golfer into the proper stance and the club onto a swing plane that works best for this lie. |

Greenside Bunker
Trains the golfer on basic technique for playing quality shots out of green-side bunkers; these are bunkers that guard the green and may vary in height, length and sand quality. In addition, it helps train distance management in order to land the ball near the pin. The module focuses on setting the golfer up to play a shot out of the bunker, including aiming the clubface, feet and swing path. |

Flop Shot
A flop shot is a shot that has a high launch angles and little spin to prevent rolling once the ball lands. This type of shot is ideal for getting over approach bunkers or hazards that lie close to the green. The module focuses on setting the golfer up to play a flop shot, including the address position, and swing path necessary to achieve a high launch angle with high backspin. |

A stinger shot is a type of shot that is normally played into a headwind. Shots played into the wind tend to balloon due to the additional lift created by the wind so it is important to achieve a shallow launch angle and low backspin in order to punch through the wind. The module focuses on setting the golfer up to play a stinger shot, including the address position, and swing path necessary to achieve a low launch angle with low backspin. |